I'm the king of the world At least they are calling me so
Ruling over the likes of UR
There's not much to do Repel one or two
Good time to take to the oar
Up the river I find The nomad of all time
What's he saying I heard him saying
Stay away from the wa---------ter
Going north well that ain't any good
Hell to pay in the wa---------- ter
Heaven knows they're expecting a flood
It's hardly raining I'm only saying So I'll be getting along
[Verse 2]
We have a good time Khubz and some wine
Embellish tales and pour some more
There's Cubit and tools Then boarding by twos
And drowning out the faithless hoard
He has the last laugh This man with the staff
I think he's saying I hear him saying
Journeyed to the ends of this Earth
Seen all that relates from it's birth
Slayed Humbaba in the sacred woods
But never heard a story like this