At our 2013 Albany retreat, Kimo Hussey explained that music is like a conversation. Questions and answers.......
While he spoke he played a succession of chord progressions, his hands drifting up and down the neck of the Uke
like gentle waves lapping on the sands of his beloved Hawaii. But cadences never repeated. He would strum two
bars which set the musical question; then two bars more which resolved the first two or lead to another question.
I was aware that he used the I->vi->Iv (oriim)->V7 cadences, or variations (inversions) of these......
So, I have adapted his chord combinations to make up vamping systems for introductions etc.
Bars 1 and 2 ask the question and bars 3 and 4 almost supply the answer except that by ending in a 7 chord
it resolves into a C key. The song we then play should finally settle the question posed by the intro!
And you can add some more colour if you repeat the Question using chord inversions & alternatives: e.g.,
I have inverted the chords in bars 1 & 2, and answered by inverting the 2nd cadence
It is a similar question / answer as before and with the same resolution to G7 -> C.
These illustrate the question/answer chord progressions in C but every key can be similarly approached.
wocky steele 2013