Chrs: He al-ways sings rag-gy mu-sic to the cat-tle
As he swings back and for-ward in the sad-dle
On a horse that is syn-co-pat-ed, gait-ed,
And there's such a fun-ny me-ter to the roar of his re-peat-er
How they run when hear that fel-low's gun, Because the west-ern folks all know
He's a high-fa-lut-ing, rootin', tootin', son-of-a-gun from Ar-iz-o-na
Rag-time Cow-boy Joe.
1. Out in Ar-i-zo-na where the bad men are
And the on-ly friend to guide you is an eve-'ning star
The rough-est, tough-est man by far, Is Rag-time Cow-boy Joe
Joe got his name from sing-ing to the cows and sheep
Ev'ry night, they say, he sings the herd to sleep
(slow it down) In a bass voice so rich and deep
Croon-in' soft and low. Go to 2nd verse REPEAT CHORUS:
Tag to last chorus: Rag-time Cow-boy, talk about your cowboy, rag-time cow-boy Joe.