1. Sea-side when-ever you stroll a-long with me I'm merely contemplating what you feel in - side (Ooh...)
2. Intrumental solo
3. moon-light Together we'll sail across the sea Rem -i- nis - cing ev'-ry night
1. Mean-while I ask you to be my Clem - en - tine You say you will if you could but you can't
3. Mean-time I ask you to be my Va - len - tine You say you'd have to tell your dad-dy if you can I'll be
1. I love you mad - ly Let my i mag -i- na - tion run a - way with you gla - dly
3. your Va - len - ti - no We'll ride up- on an om - ni- bus and then the ca - si - no
1. A brand new an - gle high-ly com - mend - a-ble Sea - side ren - dez - vous
3. Get a new fa - cial start a sen - sa - tion-al Sea - side ren - dez - vous (go to ending)
1. I feel so ro - man-tic can we do it again? Can we do it again some time Fan - tas -tic c'est
[Ooh I like that]
2. I feel like dan-cing in the rain Can I have a vo lun teer ? dan-cing What a
[Just keep right on
1. la vie madame et mon-sieur And at the peak of the sea- son The Me - di-ter- ra - nean
2. damn jol-ly good i - dea It's such a jol - li - fi - ca - tion as a mat - ter of fact So
1. This time of year it's so fashionable (2Cplet kazoo)
2. 'tres char- mant' my dear Underneath the
so adorable Sea - side ren - dez - vous ooh Sea - side ren - dez - vous Give us a kiss!