I'm five years old, so you can take it from me: these babies are never what you want them to be. They whine and they bite,
Wherever they go, it's always a mess. They only yell NO. They never say YES. I can't even hear year what I'm trying to say with
But maybe maybe maybe in a year or three these babies so bad will be good as me.
they chew on your toys, and oh? do they make the most terrible noise! I tell you Bad Babies, they yell and they cry.
what I'm trying to say with all those babies being bad all day. I'm saying chorus
Yes, maybe maybe maybe if we all get along, I'll teach them to sing the BadBaby song.It goes. chorus
Bad, Bad Babies, you never know why. They never ever do the things that they should.
Oh, Bad Babies, why can't you be good?.
Aw, now look what you did...
You're on Babies sing chorus again
Why can't you be good? Put that down. Oh, yuck! Stop that crying. You're so bad.