1. Some say love___, it is a river______ That drowns the tender reed__.
2. It's the heart____, afraid of breaking___ That ne - ver__ learns to dance.
3. When the night_, has been too lonely, And the road___ has been too long,
Some say love__, it is a ra - zor__, That leaves__ your soul to bleed__.
It's the dream___, a-fraid of wak-ing__, That ne - ver_ takes the chance_.
And you think___, that love is o - nly__, For the luc - ky__and the strong__,
Some say love_____, it is a hun-ger_, An end - less ach - ing need__.
It's the one_____, who won't be tak-en__, Who can - not seem to give___,
Just re - member_, in the win-ter__, Far beneath___ the bitter snows__.
I say love__, it is a flo - wer, And you___its o - nly seed___.
And the soul__, a-fraid of dyin'___ That ne - ver learns to live___.
Lies the seed_, that with the sun's love, In the spring becomes the rose__.