Ra-ven hair, and ruby lips.
Sparks fly from her fin-ger tips.
Echoed voices, in the night.
She's a rest-less spirit on an end-less flight.
Woo-ooo witchy wom-an, see how high she flies.
Woo-ooo witchy wom-an, she got the moon in her eye--eyes.
Bb Gm F D F D C D C Gm
She held me spell-bound, in the night (oooooh).
Dancin' sha-dows and fire-light.
Crazy laughter in an- other room (oooooh).
And she drove her-self to mad-ness with a sil-ver spoon.
Woo-ooo witchy wom-an, see how high she flies.
Woo-ooo withcy wom-an, she got the moon in her eye---eyes.
Gm F Dm F Dm Gm
I know you want to love her, but let me tell you bro-ther.
She's been sleep-in' in the dev-il's bed.
And there's some rumors goin' round, someone's under-ground.
She can rock you in the night until your skin turns red.
Woo-ooo, witchy wom-an, see how high she flies.
Woo-ooo, witchy wom-an, she's got the moon in her eye---eyes.