She strolled across the kitchen floor, and looked into the yard.
She picked some flowers by the door. But, man, her voice was hard. / / / / man her voice was hard / / / /
They walked those village streets at night, it’s what they had to share.
With lights and laughs all shining bright, and nothing not to dare. / / / / nothing not to dare....../ / / /
They played those long and tuneful songs, and in that way they would
Dream dreams of life as sharp as any knife…
(repeated) Dream dreams, and live, with nothing left to give. [added, repeated]
We miss those things you say and do…The songs we sang; the chimes we rang;
the love we had for some. The things we left undone.
Can you come back? Can you come back?
Guitar solo as per verse
1st Verse repeated
Can you come back? Can you come back?