|"Honi ka|ua, wiki|wiki", |Sweet brown
As she |gave me |language |lessons |on the
|"Honi ka|ua, wiki|wiki", |she then
|said and |smiled in |glee ~ |
But she |would not |translate |for me |~ on the
|beach at |Waiki|ki ~ |
|"Honi ka|ua, wiki|wiki", |she re-
|peated |playful|ly ~ |
Oh, those |lips were |so in - |viting |~ on the
|beach at |Waiki|ki ~ |
|"Honi ka|u-a, wiki|wiki", |she was
|surely |teasing |me ~ |
So I |caught that |maid and |kissed her |on the
|beach at |Waiki|ki ~ |
|"Honi ka|ua, wiki|wiki, |you have
|learned it |perfect|ly ~ |
Don't for|get what |I have |taught you, |Said the
|maid at |Waiki|ki ~ |
HINWEIS: In der Tonart F-Dur ist zu empfehlen, den D7-Akkord (2223) als D7no1-Akkord (2020) zu spielen.
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