I used to read the trav-el lit - 'ra - ture and long for distant plac - es
Now I have seen the won-ders of the world I'll take the old fa - mil - iar plac - es
Just give me the moon o-ver brook - lyn When the long long day is through I'll be
walk - ing with Mai - zie on Flat - bush Av - e - nue, just
give me the Moon o-ver Brook - lyn, when the old old world is right I'll be
dan - cing with Mai - zie at Co-ney Is - land ev 'ry night I've seen the
moon at Ba - li Ba - li and the moon over Wai - ki - ki I'd give it all for just one
ball game ____ and Mai - zie to see it with me just
give me the Moon o-ver Brook - lyn, let me add a dream or two Per-am-bu-
lat - ing with Mai - zie on Flat - bush Av - e - nue just