Now every year about July when summer time comes round
There's lots and lots of people at the seaside to be found
Ane some play golf or tennis, others like to take a rest
But here s the kind of exercise that I enjoy the best.
When I go swimin with the wimmin, Eh I do have a real good time
Bobbing up and down in the water, it comes just below my Mason Dixie line
To see the ladies do their exercises,
You wouldn't think that half of them were slimming
And when the girls stand up to sneeze you can see their housemaids knees
If you go swimmin with the wim- min .
Now even when I am at home and working day to day
I always do look forward to my half day holiday
The people don't invite me out, they know my half day's fixed
I go out to the baths that day because the bathing's mixed.
And I go swimmin' with the wimmin' and I do have a real good time
I go bobbing up and down in the water, with a pretty girl whose name is Adeline.
You ought to see her latest bathing costume
It's nothing but a little bit of trimming
And what I took to be her face turned out to be a different place
When I went swimmin' with the wim- nin'.