If you ev - er go a - cross the sea to Ire - land, then
breez - es blow - ing o'er the seas from Ire - land, are
may - be at the clos - ing of the day, you will
per - fumed by the heath - er as they blow, and the
sit and watch the moonrise ov - er Clad - dagh, and
wo - men in the up - lands dig - gi'n pra - ties speak a
see the sun go down on Gall - way Bay. Just to
lan - guage that the strang - ers do not know. for the
hear a - gain the rip - ple of the trout stream, the
strang - ers came and tried to teach us their way, they
wo - men in the mea - dows mak - ing hay, and to
scorned us just for be - ing what we are, but they
sit be - side a turf - fire in the ca - bin, and
might as well go chas - ing af - ter moon-beams, or
watch the barefoot Gos - soons at their play. For the
light a penny can - dle from a star and if
there is go - ing to be a life here - af - ter, and
some - how I am sure there's go - ing to be, I will
ask my God to let me make my hea - ven, in
that dear land a - cross the I - rish sea..........................