There are many many crazy things that will keep me loving you
And with your permission may I list a few______.
1. The way you wear your hat_______.
2. The way your smile just beams____.
3. The way you hold your knife______.
1. The way you sip your tea________.
2. The way you sing off key_______.
3. The way we danced till three______.
1. The memory of__ all__ that_______,
2. The way you haunt my dreams___,
3. The way you changed my life_______,
1. No, no they can't take that away__ from__ me___ (go to Verse 2)
2. No, no they can't take that away__ from__ me___ (A7 - D - to Bridge)
3. No, no they can't take that away from me (go to 2nd ending)
BRIDGE: We may never never meet again, on that bumpy road to love
But I'll always, always keep the memory of (go to Verse 3)
2nd Ending: No they can't take that a - way from me,
they can't take that a - way, they can't take that a - way
No they can't take that a - way from me